Someone abusing you does not mean there is something wrong with you.
We live in a world that often looks down on victim-survivors, who are seen as passive, weak and complicit. So not only do you suffer from being abused, but unsurprisingly, you give yourself a hard time thinking you are useless and that it’s your fault someone mistreated you.
It is time to throw away these negative assumptions.
I will show you that however painful the abuse is, people do resist. Yes, you too. You resisted in some shape or form and I will help you to discover and value how you did this.
We will debunk many forms of undeserved blame and how unhelpful it is to think that your responses are unhealthy. We will firmly put responsibility on the abusers, expose many of their tactics, and relearn to be kinder and more compassionate to ourselves and each other.
After reading this book, you will:
o Know and value far more how you faced abuse
o See that you were not passive in the face of abuse
o Stop thinking that there is something wrong with you or the way you responded
o Be clearer about what is or isn’t your responsibility
o Be better able to challenge the people who blame you
o Be better informed about how perpetrators function
o Have new ways to debunk many detrimental notions linked to these issues
Together, let’s challenge and throw away the notion that you are a doormat.
Because in truth, you are a resister!
Get in touch to share your thoughts on the book, or ask any questions:

Q&A Book launch event
Please, join me Friday 4 October – 6-7:30 pm UK time,
Click here to book your place:
A small fee of £5 will go to the Student Hardship Fund of the Minster Centre which organised the event.